Century absinthe ... that elusive Decadent Goddess

Posted on MsJekYll'z Absinthe Forum
Topic created by MsJekYll
on Sun, 8 Jun 2008 at 19:32
MsJekYll said on Sun, 8 Jun 2008 at 19:32...
Hey there everyone! I have created this topic as a follow up to my review of Century absinthe, the artisanal brand that's attracted something of a cult following... I love this absinthe with a passion. What about you? Are you a fan? Or just curious? Got questions? Join in and have your say!
Amanda said on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 at 00:32...
Hey MsJekyll! Just stumbled across your site (nice, love the butterfly, the pics and the overall distressed look).
Your review of Century is spot on. I first got myself a bottle as a Christmas treat last December, on a friend's recommendation. I've bought three more since.
I'm a graphic designer by profession (print mostly, not web) and I've been drinking different absinthes for the past three years. I found it helps me to 'free' my mind when I get a block. I can't say for sure if it's the ritual, the alcohol or the herbs -- or a combination of all -- but it works for me. True enough, a modest amount of any alcohol is always useful when creativity suddenly deserts you, but absinthe does go that extra mile.
As for Century, it does stand out, definitely - the effect is very noticable. I've served it at parties as well and people get in a really good mood. It just alters the atmosphere.
MsJekYll said on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 at 13:28...
Hi Amanda, thanks for the post. Glad you liked my site. I am self-taught, webdesign has been my hobby for years... (there are still some remnants of my earliest attempts on the web )
I agree with you about the effects of Century, they are far more profound than in most absinthes. I have a friend who is a herbalist. She knows her herbs inside out, she can distinguish their aroma and taste just as easily as the rest of us visually distinguish colors. The first time I gave her a glass of Century, she took a sip, then looked up and said: "Oh I see. This will do the trick in no time, right?"
Tommie said on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 at 17:42...
Century was nice, it was the first Absinthe I had experienced.
I drank about 4 shots worth the first time and just remember sitting there and my wife just laughed and asked if I was alright. She said she asked that because I had a constant smile on my face. (Honestly wasn't aware at the time till I stood up and looked in the mirror.)
Overall a strong sense of well being and clarity... The best part was that the next morning I woke up 10 mins before the alarm went off and literally hopped out of bed. I felt outstanding.. It was the exact opposite of a hangover.
amorphous said on Sat, 5 Jul 2008 at 14:43...
praise be. i had century earlier this year. two shots and i was trippin balls. the wormwood does have a psychoactive effect, it's not just the alcohol. tried enough of that to know the difference =) it's warm and fuzzy if you're a warm and fuzzy type. i imagine if you're a dark and gloomy type.. well, i shudder to think.
barfly69 said on Sun, 6 Jul 2008 at 23:01...
sounds like my kind of stuff
where do you get it?
TrishX said on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 at 01:37...
@ centuryabsinthe.com
That's the only way. They don't sell through resellers since they make it in small quantities and it sells like hot cakes. I queued up for two weeks for mine. Amazing stuff though. Amazing customer care as well.
Anonymous said on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 at 02:23...
pricey though
Anonymous said on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 at 15:47...
OMG! Drinking some now............. to say 'amazing' would be an understatment
Bruce said on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 at 04:51...
I am looking for a quality experience, soon to turn 55 I have had in my youth experiances hard to explain, they transend what most people know. I may not duplicate them but I try.
Martha said on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 at 23:21...
I had a bottle in 2006. I consumed it ritually and with the right mind set, had a wonderful experience. It's a different feel from hard like kind spirits. Definitely a wonderful addition to ones personal bar. More emotions tweaked and mind wonders in a wonderful, somewhat sexual way. It's all good. Pass the sugar cube and water please
Pearlchaser said on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 at 13:07...
Love the logo!
Is that you Ms. Jekyll, in the picture?
Was the logo inspired by the Green Fairy?
Palamas said on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 at 02:13...
I have a bottle of Century on the way and am very excited. I recently did some comparisons of various absinthes and simply suspended my judgement for a time to see if there was any real difference in effect and thujone content...the result...the absinthe that I had that had a pronounced effect (i.e., secondary effect) was the one with a higher thujone content. In this case, it was alandia's, "strong68". Certainly a difficult absinthe in the beginning, but the taste grows on you--whether the uncomfortable feeling of the wormwood in the back of your throat ever does or not. Anyway, Century should be more informative--will report as soon as bottle arrives!
KALDORA said on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 at 03:29...
You are too beautiful to not be inspired.
Curious said on Sat, 14 Nov 2009 at 19:13...
A friend of mine had drunk absinthe at a party a couple years back and was talking of his experience with it so I got on line to search it out. With me never having tried absinthe of any kind would Century be the one for me to try? And how would u drink it, over ice, chilled? I've seen several sites that mention sugar cubes and iced water. Any help would be great and thanks in advance.
Brian K. Chamberlain said on Sat, 12 Dec 2009 at 16:53...
Come to form my green hills, and blackened distant mountains wafting in the haze of Jade. A Century of paint I smear on this canvas under her spell. I can breathe again now the scents of mellisa, anise, fennel, and chamomile. I can smell the trees I paint for the Green Fairy whispering in my ear she desires me to do so.
Jverse said on Thu, 20 May 2010 at 22:01...
I just ordered my first bottle of Absinthe, of course it is Century. I hope that I can report good things about this spirit in the near future..
jason said on Tue, 19 Oct 2010 at 03:40...
What is the name of the chemical that they used to mix with absynthe? It came in a little bottle with a dropper...
RAZ said on Thu, 23 Dec 2010 at 21:01...
Ells said on Thu, 3 Mar 2011 at 05:40...
For starters, love the website... Your reviews have all sold me on trying Century absinthe. To date, the best quality absinthe that I have had the opportunity to try from an American selection is Vieux Carre, and even it seemed to be lacking in the experience all of us had hoped for...
RAZ said on Thu, 8 Dec 2011 at 00:32...
I am ordering my second batch of century absinthe. Hands down, this is the most powerful absinthe and best tasting that I have ever tried
Pip said on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 at 14:35...
Do you know if this is still available from their web site? I tried to place an order today and I am not able to checkout. The page crashes with an error.
WoodFIshN said on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 at 20:29...
Is there shipping avalaible to Canada, and if so idea baout any customs or import duty?
Jessicah said on Sat, 6 Dec 2014 at 21:34...
Hey, I'm having the same trouble as Pip. Did Century die or something? I'm trying to do absinthe 'right' the first time, but they're not making it easy for me...firstly my computer says that the 'checkout' option can't be trusted no matter what browser I'm in, so when I go ahead and say trust it anyway, it always just takes me to a 404 error. I've tried contacting them twice via their email and never got any response (despite the site itself assuring customers that someone would get back to them within 24 hours), and when I call their US number it says it's a bad number. What gives? I'm willing to spend the money, I just can't for some reason...anyone have any idea of how to actually get a friggin' bottle of this stuff? How can they stay in business if they make it so hard to even contact them, let alone purchase from them?
Kamamura said on Mon, 16 Feb 2015 at 00:20...
The fact it's spelled "Absinth" tells a lot. The reviews do not exactly praise it - it's a bitter, macerated hooch:
Save your money or buy a good Jade, La Clandestine, Kubler, whatever, just not this...
Martina said on Sat, 20 Feb 2016 at 19:55...
Oh no! Now I might have to put off opening my bottles of absinthe until I have this stuff! I have six bottles of absinthe now, and I keep putting off opening any of them because I don't have it all together yet. The fountain isn't here yet, and I MUST have that fountain to do it right, but then I want more kinds of absinthe, and Century seems to be one of them. Will I ever get to it?
Oliver said on Tue, 14 Jun 2016 at 08:04...
Century is very difficult to get hold of. They make it in very small batches and there are long queues, so like it is already sold out before they make it! As far as I understand it was created to prove a point: that wormwood is the main event. That means if the crop doesn't yield enough thujone (the plant produces it depending on altitude) it cannot be used. I was told it all depends on the weather conditions like humidity levels, sunlight and such. The wormwood is grown in a mountain valley. Good luck - I had one bottle a few years back and it is all gone now.

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Dancing with the Green Fairy.
Since 1997.