Absinthe in America
Posted on MsJekYll'z Absinthe Forum
Topic created by MsJekYll
on Sat, 17 May 2008 at 17:24
MsJekYll said on Sat, 17 May 2008 at 17:24...
I have been overwhelmed by email responses to my article about absinthe in the USA.
I welcome all your emails, but I thought a public forum might be a better platform to vent your our frustrations about USA "safe" versions of absinthe. Yes, I am as disappointed as you are.
Anonymous said on Tue, 20 May 2008 at 20:39...
Watered down licorice flavored hooch! What did you expect? You think the Fed Govt would actually allow us to get f***ed up on wormwood. It is OK in Europe and I tried some real absinthe inAmestrdam...
MsJekYll said on Sat, 24 May 2008 at 19:09...
Well, I guess I wouldn't have put it as bluntly as you, Anonymous but you are right of course. I guess I wanted to believe it... But sure, I know what they say: if it's too good to be true...
I read a very interesting expose about absinthe in America recently. I can't remember exactly where it was (some paper in California I recall). The journalist did a thorough investigation and concluded it was all a premeditated marketing strategy designed to insinuate that the American public were suddenly gonna get their hands on something forbidden, even illicit... while researchers and historians agreed it was just imitations with "absinthe" on the bottle label.
Oh well. At least I spoke my mind, so don't get too harsh with me Anonymous, alright? (By the way, why do you people do this? Is it too difficult to make up some funny nickname if you don't want to use your real one?)
dragonfly said on Fri, 30 May 2008 at 15:37...
It's like everything else. The Federal Government insists on treating all of its citizens as if we were children, incapable of making decisions on our own, without the Great & Glorious Feds to protect us from ourselves. Why anyone would believe anything the Federal Government says is way beyond my understanding.
So when the Government says, this is absinthe, it just has less thujone. It's like saying this is MGD, its just watered down, a lot, and it tastes kind of weird, and there's less alcohol, but really it is just the same as the other MGD. Yeah, go ahead.
Trust the Feds to be honest with you. Because they've been so honest over the years. I, on the other hand, will continue to question everything my Government says and does. Especially while that wacko Texas cowboy is still in office.
Alice in Wonderland said on Tue, 3 Jun 2008 at 13:55...
Well said Dragonfly. Keep up the good work MsJekyll, cool site.
MsJekYll said on Fri, 6 Jun 2008 at 21:37...
Thanks Alice
Dragonfly: I agree with Alice - well said!
Kieren said on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 at 19:31...
The same old, same old. The feds trying to save us from ourselves. Big Brother knows best. ?? yeah, right. No, Big Brother just wants to tell you what you can and cannot do or have or be. It's a control issue.
Have you seen how much it costs for us Americans to buy European Absinthe and import it into the US?
if it's something one might enjoh, they either ban it, or in this case change it so its nothing like the real product.
MsJekYll said on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 at 23:55...
Spot on, Kieren. I like to think I can make my own mind up about what I put in my body. I've drunk (real) absinthe for the past 12+ years and I'm still very much live and kicking. The modern world offers far greater dangers than a little absinthe.
MsJekYll said on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 at 23:58...
I just thought I'd mention that there is a related discussion in progress in the Is absinthe legal? thread as well. Having said that, I'm not trying to chase anyone off here -- quite the opposite. But this forum software will not let me merge related threads, so I just want to point the casual visitor in the direction of additional info/discussion.
Patricia in Dallas, TX said on Tue, 8 Jul 2008 at 22:57...
absinthe in the u.s.? no thanks, no way. overcharged cat's pee, not real absinthe
absynthe newbie said on Wed, 9 Jul 2008 at 01:58...
which absynthe do u recommend patricia? i want to try, but i'm confused. which is real, which is not? thanks
Patricia said on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 at 01:16...
in order of preference:
1. la valdetre. very good swiss stuff. fresh and raw, full of power. that's what i like...character. some people say the colour is too deep but that's no problem for me. too deep compared to what? the watered-down nonsense they try to pass on as 'absinthe' in the u.s. ?
2. armand guy. this one's french and is pretty much the real deal as well, IMHO
3. absinthium 1792. pretty good everyday absinthe. give it a try if you don't want to spend much. i never thought i'd say this until i tasted it. not bad, not bad at all! its for the mass market, for sure, but still 10x better than the lucid crap, for rougly half the price
i'm curious about this century stuff you reviewed msjekyll, by the way. sounds a bit like la valdetre to me. being the absinthe addict i am, i love to learn of these hard to find gems. have you drunk valdetre and how does it compare to century?
MsJekYll said on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 at 20:45...
Hi Patricia
I know of La Valdetre but have never actually tried it. From what I've heard, it does have character as you say and that's good. I know it's difficult to get (there's nowhere to buy online as far as I know... or is there??) Where do you get it?
Patricia said on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 at 15:51...
my husband goes to Switzerland a few times and year and buys it there. not sure if it's sold online. i have two unopened bottles and could trade one if you like. you have any century around? i was just going to order it but I'll hang on in case you are interested......
MsJekYll said on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 at 23:57...
Yeah, sure, great idea. Email me! You're in Texas, right?
Julz said on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 at 19:23...
Soo, I have some questions..... 1st- Is it illegal to purchase a kit to make it yourself?? And if not, does it ever come out right? I too, was stoked to hear that a legal version (lucid) was available here in the u.s.I have never tried any form of absinithe before, but I am super-curious! Lead me in the right direction for my first time!!?
dan8 said on Sat, 9 Aug 2008 at 00:10...
homemade absinthe kits are legal. they can make really good absinthe, but i think this depends on the skill of the herbalist who picks the herbs that go in them and on the quality of the herbs as well.
Curious1 said on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 at 23:45...
I have been reading info off the Web for awhile and I must be missing something. A lot of sources deny that large amounts of thujone are not present in absinthes, Euro and US. The last bit I read was at:
It also appears that thujone is not responsible for any mind bending effects. (Possibly that is the result of some other as-of-yet undetected compound).
Who is scamming who is what I want to know!? BTW, I like to rely on independent scientific evidence to make decisions and am not generally interested in personal experiences (i.e., studies based on a population of one).
Has anyone done any blind evaluations of this?
LucidWhore said on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 at 16:44...
I hate to admit it, but I like Lucid...
Not like the hot chick next door,
more like the cheap, kinda nasty easy girl down the street...
Anonymous said on Sat, 15 Nov 2008 at 15:27...
cheap and nasty.......
Anonymous said on Mon, 1 Dec 2008 at 03:11...
I finally bought my first bottle of Absinthe last week and chose Lucid. On the label it says it's made "with a full measure of wormwood" and it also indicates 62% alcohol (124 proof). I don't think they can legally put it on the bottle if it doesn't contain wormwood. I'm wondering what "proof" you have that it doesn't contain wormwood?
It did seem to taste better in Prague, but I think anything would taste better there.
Toocurious said on Mon, 5 Jan 2009 at 01:05...
I live in south florida, I'm interested in trying lucid... Because absinthe is not legal in Florida. I want the whole hallucination feeling. Does is work?
Abs said on Fri, 9 Jan 2009 at 16:16...
I just got a bottle labeled Grande Absente here is their website
I have no idea what thujone content it has, but certainly it claims to be "imported from france" "original recipe" , "wormwood" and 138 proof.
I am no Absinthe connoisseur, as I am mostly a Chartreuse drinker, and based on my experiences with this absinthe I still prefer the Chartreuse.
It has a very pretty emerald color, no artificial colors are listed. It tastes very strongly of licorice and even "neat" is very smooth on the palette. With the sugar cube and cold water thing, it louches as I would expect and certainly sweetened and watered down a bit you can discern a few other flavours as you drink it.
I had expected a bit more "bitterness" as in a vermouth, jagermeister or chartreuse or other herbals, but would have likened this flavour more to a strong Pernod, ouzo, anisette or sambuca. The overwhelming flavour being the anise, star anise, licorice root, fennel or what-have-you that has that black licorice taste.
MaterSammichMan said on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 at 16:09...
Who is making absinthe IN the U.S.?
As I understand it, the law is <10ppm Thujone, not Zero.
And that includes anything imported also.
Is that correct?
chaya said on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 at 20:55...
Le Tourment Vert is made in France but distributed only in the US
David said on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 at 21:25...
is it out in us?
goo goo said on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 at 02:18...
Yes, it was released Dec 21st in the US from what i read online
craig david said on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 at 22:24...
Yea, I tried the LTV too. I thought it was really good but no hallucinations.
DR.Z said on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 at 01:11...
My Favorite Absinthe drink is
1 oz. Absolut
1 oz. Le Tourment Vert
1 oz. Chambord
1 oz. Pineapple juice
- Shake well and strain into chilled cocktail glass
- Garnish with lemon twist
sambucha said on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 at 07:03...
....I cant stand this american govt constantly swooping in and banning anything remotely mind altering. What is wrong with escaping from this mindless consumer society... If one chooses permanent escape, that is also his right.
Setting It Straight said on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 at 16:45...
"thujone free" means less than the limit of detection by chemical (FDA) testing which is, in this case, 10 ppm. so, yes the limit for US absinthe is <10 ppm.
also, thujone will not cause you to hallucinate so much as convulse, and only then if you drink enough absinthe for the alcohol to kill you first.
In all likelihood absinthe's hallucinogenic history has much more to do with poor technique on the distiller's part (probably heavy metal contamination or some such fun) than with thujone. Chemistry/Technology has come a long way in the last hundred years!
I have a few bottles of old world absinthe as well as some traditional bottlings from US distillers. There is no noticable difference in its effects. For those of you looking to get high off of this stuff, my suggestion is to buy a bunch of cough syrup and set up a meth lab instead. It will be a hell of a lot cheaper than the sobering costs of shipping absinthe from France or Switzerland only to be disappointed when the there are no singing dragons that visit you in your drunken fog.
Some great websites to visit in order to learn more about the history of absinthe are www.feeverte.net or www.wormwoodsociety.org - happy exploring!
POMBE said on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 at 03:49...
Though Wormwood is a key herb for true Absinthe, it's Thujone that provides the Green Fairy with her magic.
I've been an Absitheur for three years now and have tried over a dozen European varieties. Personally I prefer the "strong" Absinthe offerings. These typically have 30 to 35mg Thujone and alcohol content around 68% (give or take).
I live in Illinois and have always had my Absinthe shipped to from Germany. To date, I've never had a shipment problem and still use the same source as always. In fact, I'll be placing my largest oreder to date later this week.
The prospect of a "true" Absinthe available in the US peaked my interrest as it's not cheap to buy and ship my orders. However, I have yet to read about any Thujone content in any US "Absinthe". This leads me to believe they contain no Thujone at all.
The Lucid question has been brought up a few times. A bar in McHenry Illinois about 20 minutes from me sells Lucid. My research on Lucid has yet to find any noted Thujone content, but I will probably drive up there to check it out for myself.
For Curious 1, I have not done any scientific/blind testing. I can however factually state that there is a difference between a true Absinthe and just an 80 proff bottle of booze. Absinthe doesn't warrant the Hollywood mythes about hallucinating and making out with ones sister. The best way I can describe it is...
...the happiest, most relaxed drunk you've ever been, but without the drunk. It's as if your concerns litterally melt away and a relaxed comfort takes over. Absinthe's a great way to "wipe the slate clean" and find an "all is right with the world" state of mind.
The Green Fairy is one groovy lady and I'm glad we met.
Most I've introduced her to have also been glad we met.
ty9 said on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 at 12:31...
I like your description of the absinthe/ thujone effect
The US brands are thujone free or thujone-very-lite. Dollars $$$$ mean that companies have waged a public relations war for many years now to downplay the role of thujone. That is because of the FDA "thujone-free" regulations and the problem about acknowledging absinthe's euphoric effect ....that "wipe the slate clean" feeling you mention. If they do that then they will get their license removed by Big Brother, no such problems in open-minded Europe.
The US brands are keen to make clear that they use grande wormwood, unlike the long established competitor brand, whilst denying the role of it's main NATURAL element. The reason that many of these new absinthes tatse like licorice bombs is that the recipes are messed with and anise takes over from the wormwood. If you use the required amount of wormood then wormwood will be the dominant flavour and not licorice. If you like licorice flavour buy a bottle of ouzo....
Of course, there are also nasty modern ways to remove thujone and also use chemotype (mutations) of the plant.
"Prohibition is finally over" as Lucid publicity machine says? Yeah right? Nothing has changed actually. These versions of absinthe are like an old toothless hooker (wearing dentures and a blond wig) in the dim smokey night hour.....not what they seem. Get some absinthe with real bite
Capt. Ace said on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 at 15:29...
I watched a documentary last year about Ted Breaux and his fascination with recreating absynthe the way it used to be made.
He produces the stuff in the Lucid bottle. I finally got a bottle and found it
From the Lucid site:
"lucid is formulated by world renowned absinthe expert T.A. Breaux, and is distilled in strict accordance to traditional French methods. lucid is crafted in the historic Combier distillery, founded in 1834 and designed by Gustave Eiffel in the fabled Loire Valley of France. Each bottle of lucid is carefully prepared by skilled craftsmen, using ancient copper absinthe alembics. Unlike most contemporary imitators, lucid is distilled entirely from spirits and European herbs, and uses no artificial additives, oils, or dyes. lucid recalls the rich tradition of Absinthe, and is crafted using a full measure of Grande Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), Green Anise, Sweet Fennel, and other fine European herbs traditionally used in making fine Belle Époque absinte"
In the very near future I plan to order a few of the European offerings since drinking Absynthe is a wonderful past time.
ty9 said on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 at 18:35...
Euphemism: A euphemism is a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.
Lucid is made from beet alcohol and not grape. Nevermind the vulgar bottle and the thujone issue.
derrick said on Mon, 9 Mar 2009 at 01:00...
i've had Lucid, not my taste. i'm fed up and about to start distilling my own with a high thujone content ... and yes, thujone does matter, a lot for some folk ... the effects are unmistakeable ...
STEPH said on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 at 06:18...
Anyone know about the new stuff called Le Tourment Vert Absinthe ?
chris 197050 said on Tue, 12 May 2009 at 13:56...
guys they did a study on the thujone content in vintage bottles recently discovered and guess what it was less than 10ppm thujone
these were sealed pre prohibition absinthes
as far as the effects go all effects mentioned is also considered alcohol poisoning
the effects were manufacured by people who thought drinking absinthe was evil much like all the rumors about smoking pot or cigarettes are today some people don't like it so nobody should like it
a really good site to look at is the virtual absinthe museum they also have links to other good sites ms jekyll awesome site will bookmark it lucid was the first bottle i bought if you mix it slow it is not bad i prefer kubler 53 or sirene which is distilled here in illinois abit grassy tasting but smooth and has a nice finish
Hbilly said on Wed, 20 May 2009 at 19:23...
"Lucid, in particular, tastes to me like an herbalist dumped his collected pharmacopoeia into a blender with Everclear and olive oil" Eric Felten, Wall Street Journal
ACE22 said on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 at 22:04...
based on what i heard in here, pro-absinthe people can go FUCK THEMSELVES !
bitch !
got a problem with the government/laws/police ? FUCK YOU
ace22 said on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 at 22:08...
The only reason wit WOULD be legal, is because the government can TAX it.
thats the only problem i got with the government.
the money hungry jerks in office !
ace22 said on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 at 22:10...
if they could tax crack it would be legal.
(if they found a way, id be fuckin pissed)
but they will find a "way" to tax it, something those fuckin jews are the master of !
ace22 said on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 at 22:20...
welcome to america, the land of MONEY MONEY MONEY
the land where MONEY can do absolutely anything.
ace22 said on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 at 22:39...
including be above the law
W.Ormwood (HG) said on Sat, 27 Jun 2009 at 14:45...
Crazy and sad at the same time
OranX said on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 at 11:10...
"What set Four apart from other energy brews is wormwood oil, he said then. It's a key ingredient in absinthe, a strong, green-hued liquor long believed to cause hallucinations. A chemical called thujone in wormwood oil has psychedelic qualities, so federal food regulators allow wormwood oil as a flavoring only if its thujone has been extracted. But it's not clear whether Four still contains wormwood"
LA Times Mike Hughlett - August 24, 2009
Wormwood flavoured absinthe for the USA .....but with the thujone extracted I agree about ace22, perhaps someone might delete him?
BoozeTraveler said on Thu, 5 Nov 2009 at 16:45...
What’s available in the US now is considered true absinthe because it involves use of the herb of absinthes namesake, Artemisia absinthium (grand wormwood). Because of the thujone-free restriction in the US we are restricted to a limited number of absinthes that meet the FDA restriction of 10 ppm (parts per million) thujone or 10mg/kg. This doesn’t mean that they are bad, it just means that many European absinthes and "bitters", from 11-35mg/kg aren’t available for US retail purchase, thus restricting selection. Also, some of the best absinthe comes from small foreign producers that lack the resources to export large enough quantities for US distribution.
Read the full article at: http://theboozetraveler.blogspot.com/2009/02/mail-order-absinthe.html
BoozeTraveler said on Thu, 5 Nov 2009 at 16:48...
In the EU the legal limit of thujone in spirits is 10mg/kg and if the product is labeled as a bitter the limit is 35mg/kg.
Michael said on Thu, 24 Dec 2009 at 09:22...
I have read quite a bit about "Lucid" absinthe. It claims to be the only genuine "pre-ban" grade absinthe in the US. It claims to have not only a full measure of Grandewormwood, but also to have a full measure of thujone. (From what I can tell, they are the only absinthe in America with thujone)From what I read, this is the real thing. I've tried it, and it seems genuine from my somewhat inexperienced perspective. Someone help. Is this finally the real thing in America?
Thanks for the help.
Dr. Dodo said on Fri, 25 Dec 2009 at 20:39...
"It claims to be the only genuine "pre-ban" grade absinthe in the US"
Most sincerley, good Sir, 'tis also a most fortituous draught for pains, sprains and strains, itches and twitches, congestion and conflabulation, chills and ills, colic, constipation and cogitation, titillation and infatuation, sneezes and wheezes, dropsy, dyspepsia , female sloth, and gentlemen's private maladies. "Tis that most rare of things and is made from the very waters of Jupiter, brought to Earth by the Archangel Gabriel himself.
Dr Erasmus Dodo
Funksoulbrother said on Sun, 27 Dec 2009 at 08:27...
US hooch hawkers are now claiming their absinthe might contain Thujone or subvertly imply that it does. Truth is that any absinthe sold in the USA will be determined by the FDA to be "Thujone Free" Lucid Absinthe is made in France, but ONLY sold stateside, i think that pretty much covers it.
aussie said on Fri, 12 Mar 2010 at 10:50...
i live in australia and went over to the US for a hoilday and am going back later this year and was asked to bring a couple bottles of absinthe as you can get it here but i take it i wont be allowed to bring the stuff in ?? right???
Prince Of Thrift said on Sun, 21 Mar 2010 at 02:01...
looking to purchase Absinthe in Topeka, KS (Austin, TX in 6 months) where would I find it?
mgs-dia said on Fri, 26 Mar 2010 at 05:09...
Hey Pombe : how can I buy European absinthe ? You said you bring from Germany..... why not France or Switzerland ? Last December I brought a bottle from France in my luggage..... when I got home I read in the customs booklet that "no absinthe is allowed in international travel luggage"........but, I did not know, and I brought one home....
so, the question is, where to get real absinthe ? It seems that everyone talks, there are many places in USA that sells absinthe, but then people say that "absinthe in USA is not real absinthe".....I am confused....
I tried this in France and I liked, but I am not an expert to really see any difference with the one I have in the local liquor store here...
fullspeed said on Fri, 28 May 2010 at 07:17...
The joy of real absinthe comes from sophisticated blend of subtle effects, provided by wormwood and the other herbs. What we get here in the States just doesn't do the trick.
@mgs-dia - Don't worry about customs booklets, they don't care anymore. I bring 2-3 bottles about 3x a year from Europe and have never been hassled. or just order online, the stuff will make it thru alright.
twzlettemommy said on Sun, 20 Jun 2010 at 03:45...
when i was in knoxville (in March) i stopped in a liquor store and seen Grande Absente - Absinthe Originale (the brand also has a refined version). After buying a small bottle and trying it i did a little research because the lady at the liquor store said it had just been legalized and that there has been refined versions of absinthe and this was the first true to recipe. The brands web site says its made to the original recipe in france but im not sure whether to believe it. the web site is http://www.grandeabsente.com/absente.html . it is 69% alc/vol (138 proof) I had never had absinthe before so im not sure what an original is suppose to taste like.
Neitzsche said on Fri, 9 Jul 2010 at 01:19...
"A 2008 study of 13 pre-ban (1895-1910) bottles using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) found that the (pre-ban) bottles had an average of between 0.5mg/L and 48.3mg/L and averaged 25.4mg/L. A 2005 study recreated three 1899 high-wormwood recipes and tested with GC-MS, and found that the highest contained 4.3 mg/L thujone."
I think a lot of people dont know what the fu*k they're talking about. The more thujone does not equal a better buzz. Why should I pay $200+ for 100mg/ml thujone 'century absinthe' when modern science shows us that preban absinthe did not contain 1/4 of the same levels of thujone???
Sounds like a marketing technique, and they're on this page posting. Dont be fooled.
theremin guy said on Sun, 19 Dec 2010 at 22:44...
I know what the fu*k I'm talking about!
Hi. I'm here in the UK where absinthe has always been legal, three quarters of the way into a highball of 1/3 French absinthe amer (that's bitters to you - the strong stuff - no brand name: I'm not a marketing technique, I'm real) and 2/3 iced sugar water and feeling very nice thank you very much. It is *not* like regular alcohol intoxication. More like smoking a couple of joints of hash. No, there is no hallucination involved, just a pleasant glow.
Oh, and I didn't pay $100+ for it either. More like a $10 per 100ml, including shipping.
crawlingchaos said on Wed, 19 Jan 2011 at 14:49...
im an american living in pennsylvania, and i bought king of absinthe.
70% alcohol 110mg/ l thujone chesky absinthe.
i got it on a web site for $225.00
i never had it befor, but it made it thru coustoms
and ill be drinking it tonight. i dont know if this is a good brand,
but i hope to get fucked up :P
Pete said on Thu, 20 Jan 2011 at 21:37...
I have long been looking for a very informative site to weather the US absinthe was truly just a gimmick or not.. I enjoy the site and have just ordered the Jade Range Absinthe. I have tried Lucid once it appeared here in the US.. I Used to buy Sebor absinthe but was not sure if that was yet another gimmick drink. Does anyone know about Sebor absinthe? I will post my opinions on the Jade Range once I receive it. Then I will move on to the next recommendation you had.
Pete said on Thu, 17 Feb 2011 at 20:47...
I ordered the PF1901 from Jade and it was absolutely delicious. It took about 5 days to get to Chicago which was pretty good considering. It is a very tasty but not overpowering flavor and extremely warming to the body. I plan on ordering this one again and if anyone else has suggestions I will gladly take them into consideration. I want to thank MsJekYll for her recommendations and look forward to further discussions.
Cyril said on Thu, 24 Feb 2011 at 12:13...
If you want to know what absinthe is about in the USA check out the Paris Hilton and her stolen Lucid "Absinthe" cake story. It is all publicity stunts and BS created by men in grey suits.
It's just like what them there poets drunk in Paris....yeah sure it is. Even Cletus Spuckler wouldn't fall for this!
zombieslayer said on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 at 03:37...
this is retarted the us goverment always bandes things for controll and to show power theres no reson for it to be banded its dumb as fu*k
rb said on Sun, 27 Mar 2011 at 02:22...
How much wormwood oil is in the original recipe & how much is in the American sold version of Grande Absente?
Fang said on Wed, 4 May 2011 at 12:34...
"There was no regulation of absinthe in the days of Van Gogh, meaning there was probably "significantly more thujone" than would be allowed under modern-day EU rules, according to Jad Adams." Source BBC
samimi said on Sun, 3 Jul 2011 at 01:14...
I have some real european absinthe... Does anyone know if I can resell it here in the US like on E-bay?
Absinthe - minded said on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 at 05:11...
Hi everyone,
I've read all the comments... But, Ms JekYll are you there, still reading this? Your last comment is from December 2008 I think.
Anyway, I must admit many of you sound pretty convinced in the opinions you defend but yet, only a few exposed really striking arguments.
While Ms Jekyll and Patricia seem to know a planty of varieties, and Pombe describes us the feeling in a unique way, ty9 and others make us reflect about the fact that most things in this world are about marketing, even the exotic and "banned-in-the-past" luxuries. Whereas, Neitzsche sounds pretty convincing too with the gas chromatography-mass spectometry experiments, which I'm sure most people here don't know what it is but I do and find it pretty convincing, being the only thing that really stops me from fully believing him is that he does not reveal the source...
Maybe the final conclusion of this post, with everyone's permission if I may, is that whenever you have the chance or money, open up to the Absinthe experience, 'cause as with everything in life you build your knowledge not for rejecting one brand or another, but to trying as many as possible..
Finally, I'd like to ask MS JeKyll, Patricia, Pomb or anyone who has experience with many brands what do you think of the well known British "Hapsburg"
Thanks a lot, and happy drinking!
Lizluv36 said on Tue, 9 Aug 2011 at 22:19...
You can get any brand of absinthe here in Upstate New York, the real stuff imported from Europe, it's not cheap but it's worth it. I don't know exactly when they began to allow it but it's here, you can find the cheap stuff, but the good and authentic ones are also on the shelf. Green Fairy is alive and well in the Catskills! wooohoooo
Tarzan said on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 at 13:24...
"the real stuff imported from Europe"
i.e the US "thujone-free" variety made for America!
"Green Fairy is alive and well in the Catskills!"
Except they chopped her wings off
Neverhaditbut interested said on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 at 15:42...
How do you make homemade stuff?
Tatan said on Mon, 24 Oct 2011 at 17:33...
Wow, do your homework guys the real info is out there.
Thujone is not to absinthe like caffeine is to coffee. In fact it's irrelevant. Say what you want but I back my claim up with science, which is now available for free on the internet. www.thujone.info. Go read some peer reviewed scientific articles. Plus pre-ban absinthe has tested within current US regulations, which are set at 10ppm thujone (test results available on the same site). The EU has THE SAME regulations for distilled spirits with then exception of a special class (called an Amer) that goes up to 35ppm. This is a a difference of 25 PARTS PER MILLION. So nothing really. The thujone argument is pure myth, it's just the chemical that was used as a scapegoat by the temperance movement to get absinthe banned back in the day (hence why it's still regulated). The prohibitionists crocked a bunch of lies up about thujone back then and obviously people still believe those lies today.
I know it breaks some wanna-be junkie's hearts and ego's especially when they made up stuff about "tripping" or other effects from absinthe but it's not real. Neither is the random Czech alcohol dyed green and called absinth(e).
To even reach the lowest level of discernible effect from thujone an adult would have to down over 12 bottles of absinthe in 8 hours. The alcohol would kill you long before you got a buzz from thujone. Sorry, but no one got or gets a buzz, it's placebo at best, lies to pad ego at worst.
I drank prototype stuff that came back from a lab at 270ppm (it wasn't distilled correctly). Higher than what most of the fake stuff is advertised as. No tripping or buzz or anything like that. This blog is full of pure myth, real absinthe is available in the US, even made here.
After 4 years how are so many people still believing so much bullshit?
boogieboy said on Mon, 24 Oct 2011 at 19:45...
what Tatan said. This whole site is shite. Thujone is irrelevant, and Century sucks ass. You, mister Jekyll guy, are either a shill or a complete idiot, or both. Neither is respected here in the real world.
Doin' the Legwork said on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 at 13:40...
Whats WRONG with you Sheep? Take 10 seconds and just Wiki thujone and READ FOR YOURSELF. "Thujone is reported to be toxic to both brain and liver cells and could cause convulsions if used in too high a dose."
It is NOT a hallucinogenic - at ultra high levels you could convulse, but you sure the Hell are not going to see visions based on it.
Absinthe was THE drink in France before the Wine industry and prohibition got a hold of things - and then SURPRISE! All kinds of bullcrap like this starts to get shoveled. THIS bullcrap is the propaganda that is the basis of all of the mystique.
Absinthe really DOES have a very cool story behind it - starting as some old woman's local healing tonic to being used to "purify water" in French soldiers canteens during the war - to the not so surprise in it's popularity when the soldiers got home.
People - just take 10.. no FIVE minutes and do some of your own research and make up your mind. You might end up really enjoying the story and spending even an hour at it. Whats more, you'll know what matters and what doesn't.
Oh- and Pete. I have a tiny little bit of hatred for you Man. I've been wanting to try the 1901 for the past couple years. It's made in France for this primary reason :THAT'S WHERE THE HERBS ARE. Ask Ted, or just listen to him in an interview.
Don't be a Sheep. Just go to the sources. There are people out there that really really get into doing the research and history of absinthe. Hobbyists on the edge of obsession that argue over the most minute aspects are the ones to go to for a better idea of the truth in absinthe.
Any idiot who says thujone is the key to visiting the Green Fairy is just making stuff up because it sounds good to them - they don't even know what thujone IS, or what it does.
Nils said on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 at 17:01...
If thujone did anything, it would be a street drug. It doesn't, its not.
Luthier said on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 at 17:13...
Kudos to the last few comments. Real absinthe IS made in the USA, with a few brands being very very good. People will believe what they want to,
but facts are facts. You'll only trip, if you decide you want to...in your head. (Remember the Honeymooners when Ralph and Norton got drunk on grape juice, thinking it to be wine)? Yes, there is certainly a happy buzz if you have a few glasses; various alcoholic drinks have differing personalities. There certainly seems to be a conflict of interest on a website that claims to offer history,yet is clearly schilling for fake stuff.
Hopefully, Ms. JekYll (God, it even hurts to TYPE that name) will be honorable enough to leave these differing views on the site.
good stuff said on Sun, 30 Oct 2011 at 09:56...
I went to the sight linked on this page and was thinking bout buying a bottle of the maktub* but for $200 is it really worth it? I mean I could get seriously trashed on $200 worth of good whiskey but I've always wanted to try some good REAL absinthe. Any one willing to testify for any brands?
Anonymous said on Tue, 8 Nov 2011 at 16:00...
The fact is chemists have already studied preban absinthe and found them to actually be within the LEGAL restrictions on thujone ie 10ppm . That means you can buy and consume preban absinthe. What is this garbage about high thujone? I've tasted high thujone and it tastes like stomach acid. In larger doses it gives you seizures (sounds like fun?). Skip the $200 Euro trash that's trying to sell absinthe like it's a bag of magic mushrooms and buy an award winning one for circa $75.
Robert in Seattle said on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 at 08:13...
The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry stuff is for real. A REAL chemist studied REAL absinthe back from the day and found that Thujone levels were NO diiferent then American made Absinthe.
I must agree that Lucid isnt much to talk about. My personal favorite is Pacifique.....
Not an Absinthe Snob said on Wed, 28 Dec 2011 at 22:01...
Pretty crazy all the comments !! I like the Absinthe that I can buy here in the U.S . I'm sure there is better Absinthe in France or Germany or where ever but I can only drink what is available and affordable to me and Lucid and Grande Absente are two of the brands that I have tried and I liked both of them. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to be able to try a premium brand until that day I will just enjoy the stuff that I can get my paws on.
Cheers !!
Brandon said on Sat, 21 Jan 2012 at 18:29...
I have been doing a lot of research about absinthe on the internet and find that this site is full of bullshit. I also recently watched a documentary about the history of absinthe which also backs up this bullshit website. I would just read tatan's comment and I agree 100% with him. Also all reviews I have found about century 100's absinthe says it sucks. Apparently most Czech absinthe are rip offs profiting from their advertising of high levels of thujone which arent present in authentic absinthes. If you want to be informed accurately watch the documentary titled absinthe which is available on hulu. People really need to do their research!
sebastian said on Wed, 22 Feb 2012 at 17:30...
usa only has (10mgs )and this was used in vintage as well. higher mg's does not change the effects just convulsion spasms, great absinthes in america is (grande absente) lucid, pernod ,kubler, taste horrible if you want a great absinthe cheap go for (absinthe ordinaire) 25 dollers well balanced. if you have any doubts contact me at facebook my name sebastian silva i have no picture on face book, i'll give you more great ideas on other absinthes in us and outside us.
Rael said on Fri, 2 Mar 2012 at 23:44...
The regualtions changed quite some time ago and now allow a minimal thujone level. Lucid, Grand Absinthe, and other brands on the American market advertise their inclusion of grand wormwood and therefore thujone. Lucid claims that this allowable American level of thujone is not that different than some pre-ban European brands. What do you think about that? Green Fairy or no?
Marihuano said on Thu, 19 Apr 2012 at 02:19...
This can't be true. said on Mon, 30 Apr 2012 at 00:14...
Go to their website, it's supposed to be made exactly the same, or as close as possible, to the original absinthe. They say there's supposed to be (again, as close as possible) the exact amount of everything in the original absinthe drink. So, either that's just a blatent lie, in which case they would be sued by every absinthe drinker in the U.S., or you're wrong and it's good absinthe. Is this just some random hate site on the U.S. or something? What proof do you have that it's an imitation?
shackcrack said on Mon, 28 May 2012 at 23:38...
Keep it simple. Has anyone tried lucid and century? Does lucid offer anything beside the affects of alcohol?thx
kentucky said on Wed, 30 May 2012 at 03:35...
I have tried Lucid, I have a bottle at the house right now. It has taken me some time to really find my flavor, because it does have a heavy anise taste. For me I went with Hemingway.
1oz of lucid Absinthe, 5 oz of a brut or very dry champaign. I also added 2 cubes of sugar, but I do not stir them up, I let them dissolve slowly at the bottom.
It is a feeling I can relate to from he other poster. I do not feel drunk like I just downed a 12 pack of rolling rock ale. I'm alert and messed up at the same time. I would not want to drive tho, as I felt my reaction times were off a little. I did realize it was a feeling I have never experienced. I did not have a hangover or feel blah like a beer would.
I had 3 drinks prepared like above and had to stop. It was a very fun night and plan on breaking out the Lucid again tonight.
RidewayTraveler said on Mon, 4 Jun 2012 at 00:09...
Why do I have a feeling that people working in the US Absinthe distribution channel have hijacked this thread? The US only allows 10% if that, somke and mirrors and marketing hype IMHO and yes, I've watched the documentary which is also on Netlix now.
My advice, don't waste money on Absinthe distributed through standard channels in the US.
Tante Leen said on Mon, 4 Jun 2012 at 22:08...
"Why do I have a feeling that people working in the US Absinthe distribution channel have hijacked this thread?"
Yes of course... but it is rather fun to read.
DoItYourself said on Fri, 15 Jun 2012 at 21:28...
Artemisia absinthium is legal to buy. So are Ethanol Stills… I don't see the issue. They just don't want it's use to become widespread, and truthfully it could be catastrophic.
Why bitch and moan about it not being in every liquor store? You want some old drunk to get a bottle, expecting normal liquor and getting absinthe on accident? That's a good way to cause a Thujone overdose, and then guess what? They'll probably ban Absinthe again & make Artemisia absinthium and other Thujone containing plants illegal to possess.
I mean this in the nicest way possible: You guys are not thinking about anyone but yourselves. Make your own. It is not hard at all, and actually quite fun.
Again said on Fri, 15 Jun 2012 at 21:32...
Also, there is Thujone in some mouthwashes and toothpastes.
so much misconception said on Sun, 17 Jun 2012 at 20:20...
Haha to people thinking US distributers actually care to "hijack" some random comment page. I'm amazed that so many people still don't have a clue what they're talking about regarding absinthe. Tatan is spot on correct, take 5 minutes and do real actual research and you will all realize that.
Hazard said on Tue, 19 Jun 2012 at 21:28...
As I understand it, the US law is that thujone levels in absinthe must be under 10 parts per million, which is a pointless law, as traditionally distilled absinthe contains around that level anyway...
Thujone is not a hallucinogen, it is a convulsant in high enough quantities. The claims of crazy, hallucinogenic effects are largely propaganda from the early 1900's, when the wine industry set about demonizing absinthe in an attempt to curb its popularity. The negative effects documented during that time period were due mostly to poor absinthes made by unscrupulous distilleries that utilized poisonous copper salts for coloration instead of the proper herbs. Cases of extreme alcoholism was also a source of "evidence" that absinthe must be bad.
I hate to take away the romanticism and mystery behind the drink, but all this nonsense about thujone is just hype to sell shitty absinthe. True, absinthe has effects different from most alcohol, due to its herbal nature, but it has never been a hallucinogenic drink, or any sort of a danger in reasonable doses (just like any other alcohol).
I suggest everyone go and DO SOME RESEARCH. The makers of Lucid, for instance, have been making absinthe for years in Europe, and you can go and learn all about their history and distillation processes from them. Their absinthes are all on par with pre-ban absinthes. The different lines only reflect levels of quality and price, just like any brand of whiskey has their higher and lower shelf variations.
Dollars2Donuts said on Fri, 22 Jun 2012 at 09:45...
"Why do I have a feeling that people working in the US Absinthe distribution channel have hijacked this thread?"
This is a case for Captain Obvious!
JoshC said on Fri, 29 Jun 2012 at 15:28...
It doesn't really matter that Lucid has made absinthe in Europe for years, because they still have to abide by US law to sell it here. Their European product and US product are NOT the same. American absinthe's simply can't, by law, measure up to what you can get from Europe. There are plenty of companies in Europe that sell true absinthe and ship it to the US. I use http://www.originalabsinthe.com/. The La Boheme Original Absinthe is great, and they ship fast - and they have a delivery guarantee so you don't have to worry about customs issues.
Anyone who thinks US absinthe is the same as European, go buy a bottle of Lucid and then order a bottle of La Boheme. I am sure when you compare the two, you will see how much better true absinthes really are.
JoshC said on Fri, 29 Jun 2012 at 15:49...
Grrr, reading this thread is making me mad.
Tatan said, "Thujone is not to absinthe like caffeine is to coffee."
That's so blatantly wrong it's amazing. Absinthe without artemisia absinthium, which always 100% of the time contains thujone, is NOT ABSINTHE! Just like coffee not made from coffee beans that contain caffeine is not coffee. A coffee-flavored drink without coffee beans & caffeine is not coffee, just as an anise-flavored drink without grand wormwood and thujone is not absinthe.
And tons of people are saying thujone is not a hallucinogen. Almost any toxin can produce hallucinogenic effects for some percentage of the population if it can reach the brain. Lysergic acid diethylamide is an ergoline, a vasoconstrictor just like caffeine. You know what else it is? LSD, and it will make you trip balls. My point is, something belonging to one class of chemical means that it displays characteristics of that class, and all members of that class display that characteristic. It doesn't mean that all members of that class display ONLY the characteristic that they all have in common. Caffeine and cocaine are both stimulants with drastically different characteristics from each other, but many things in common. Alcohol and opium are both depressants, but they also impact people in very different ways. So saying "thujone isn't a hallucinogen, it's a toxic convulsant" is either intentionally misleading (I'm looking at you, US absinthe makers) or a result of lack of understanding.
JoshC said on Fri, 29 Jun 2012 at 15:50...
It doesn't really matter that Lucid has made absinthe in Europe for years, because they still have to abide by US law to sell it here. Their European product and US product are NOT the same. American absinthe's simply can't, by law, measure up to what you can get from Europe. There are plenty of companies in Europe that sell true absinthe and ship it to the US. I use <a href="http://www.originalabsinthe.com">Real Absinthe</a>. The La Boheme Original Absinthe is great, and they ship fast - and they have a delivery guarantee so you don't have to worry about customs issues.
Anyone who thinks US absinthe is the same as European, go buy a bottle of Lucid and then order a bottle of La Boheme. I am sure when you compare the two, you will see how much better true absinthes really are.
The Herbalist said on Sun, 1 Jul 2012 at 23:17...
Thujone is not the only interesting component to this ancient elixer...People who are obsessed with this are missing a huge part of the BIG PICTURE..... The amount of Thujone it takes to "get off" and the the amount to poison yourself is a small window ...one which many chemists and "alchemists" have played with...Do any of you have any knowledge about how herbs in different combinations act as catalysts to one another? Thujone will only do its fairy dance with you when its in balance with other herbs and components...Anyone who wants "more" thujone or calls LUCID or other US brands "thujone free" are completely propagating erroneous information. Thujone can be activated and absorbed more readily when its at lower dose ratios and mixed with catalytic materials....low thujone is not NO thujone...
and PS conspiracy theorists...Im just an avid herbalist and green fairy lover..not trying to sell anything.....
Tante Leen said on Mon, 2 Jul 2012 at 21:09...
"Thujone will only do its fairy dance with you when its in balance with other herbs and components"
Can you explain further?
Clark said on Sat, 7 Jul 2012 at 09:58...
Thujone is a measure of the quality of wormwood. For example, in Alpine climates the plant produces more thujone as a natural MEDICINE.
This "speed ball" nonsense about other herbs working in concert to create the absinthe effect is BS dreamt up by the thujone-free publicity machine. It is not even possible to create an absinthe at less than 10ppm (i.e thujone-free) with many types of REAL wormwood. Do low/no thujone chemotypes of wormwood exist to service the needs of US producers? YES
The "exhibited narcotic effect" (as one commenattor called it in 1856) is a result of a simple formula: alcohol + real wormwood.


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Dancing with the Green Fairy.
Since 1997.