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Sharing Absinthe...

Posted on MsJekYll'z Absinthe Forum

Topic created by Old Nick
on Thu, 3 Nov 2011 at 12:27

Old Nick said on Thu, 3 Nov 2011 at 12:27...

The question is this: if you could choose.... who would you a/ most like to share absinthe with & b/ least like to share absinthe with.

My answer is Ina Garten & Robert Kilroy-Silk

You can explain your reasons if you want :-)

THEABSINTHEPROFESSOR said on Fri, 4 Nov 2011 at 19:20...

A strange pairing indeed! Never heard of either of them before. I'll have to think about this one before offering my desired / not desired.

La Fee Vertigo said on Sun, 6 Nov 2011 at 17:28...

Person I most want to share an absinthe with: Jeff Koons
Person I least want to share an absinthe with: Herman Goering

You can invite Ina to my absinthe soiree with Jeff, Nick. They'll sure get along real fine.

Old Nick said on Mon, 7 Nov 2011 at 16:09...

Ina and Jeff? I am not so sure. He's kitsch, she's Hamptons chic. Glad to hear Herman Goering isn't invited. As for Kilroy-Silk he has started self publishing outlandish potboilers on Kindle, apart from his other sins :-(

Captain Cronk said on Tue, 8 Nov 2011 at 08:53...

Charles Manson & Marie Antoinette! Everyone can play *Dichotomy* can't they! On a more serious note I wouldn't mind a glass or three with Johnny Depp (a nice guy and not brain dead like most of the Hollywood glitter balls)

Tante Leen said on Wed, 16 Nov 2011 at 16:01...

I would like to drink absinthe with Eddy Wally but not with Struwwel-Peter.

Smiler said on Sat, 3 Dec 2011 at 11:39...

I would like to share a glass of absinthe with Santa Claus (I would louche it up with a ice shard from Father Frost's beard)

La Fee Vertigo said on Mon, 5 Dec 2011 at 16:10...

The Charenton asylum has left the gate open again.

Smiler, you are thinking about Father Frost's staff, not his beard:

"he is leaning on an icy staff with a sparkling star on its top and carrying a huge red sack" (Russian Info Center)

You can "louche it up" with his staff and then help yourself to his huge red sack.

Curiously this gentleman is not always nice - sometimes he can turn nasty. The same moral duality also exists in seasonal Scandinavian folklore, like the Xmas Goat. The goat originally would scare the children and DEMAND presents for itself, it also used to take a view on whether the decorations were satisfactory. Odd, but true.

Old Nick said on Wed, 7 Dec 2011 at 09:58...

Faeries were also originally considered dangerous I think. When absinthe was christened La Fee Verte I wonder what the prevailing view of the fairy was?

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