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Homemade absinthe

Posted on MsJekYll'z Absinthe Forum

Topic created by Lotus_11
on Fri, 4 Jun 2010 at 13:02

Lotus_11 said on Fri, 4 Jun 2010 at 13:02...

Greetings! is it possible to make homemade absinthe or not? I wanna know if homemade is the best absinthe. I've been told that you can make it with Everclear or Rum 151? Lower strength alcohol does not make good absinthe and what about calamus, is that a good recipe or what recipe works?


THEABSINTHEPROFESSOR said on Tue, 8 Jun 2010 at 08:38...

I wonder if you mean home distilling or a homemade absinthe soak? Stills in the home are not legal and therefore discussion is not allowed. The good news is that you can indeed make absinthe at home using maceration. The problem is that you need to have the exact herbal/ botanical blend. The fact is that the large majority of commercial absinthes are made using maceration!! Not sure what you mean about calamus, as far as spirit base is concerned Everclear 50% and vodka 50% is the best IMHO. Then again if you are lucky enough to live in Poland you can get an even better (stronger) base. Good luck!

Old Nick said on Sat, 12 Jun 2010 at 08:43...

spirytus rektyfikowany you mean, being alcohol that is distilled to the maximum purity possible (190 proof). You cannot export it from Poland. I guess you would get a really good maceration from that? Isn't homemade absinthe rather bitter, Prof?

Want2tryrealgreenfairybuyliveinUS:( said on Wed, 1 Feb 2012 at 06:37...

I have never drank the real absinthe only what they sell in the u.s. any ideas on how i could get a drink without leaving the country,trying home brewed duplicates,spending a bunch of cash, or anything illegal???? Somebody help me out

La Fee Vertigo said on Wed, 22 Feb 2012 at 21:11...

You can make absinthe by maceration (i.e homemade absinthe) nothing wrong with that and some folks prefer it anyways.

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